David Schiesher, MSW
Psychological Counselling
Couples Therapy
in English - Geneva, Switzerland
Welcome! Here you will find information about my psychological counselling and couples therapy practice. There are also spaces for relaxation where you can listen to inspirational music in calming natural settings. Finally, there is a resource section for the continuation of your growth process. I hope you find what you need here. Your feedback is always welcome.
Clients currently have the option of working
online via Zoom or in-person in my office.

I dwell in possibility.
Emily Dickinson
The Therapist
Thank you for your interest in my services. I am an American Clinical Social Worker practicing individual and couples therapy in Geneva, Switzerland with English-speaking adults and adolescents since 2006.
I offer both in-person sessions in my office or teletherapy (online therapy). The choice is yours.
The therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist is the best predictor of success in therapy. Read about me, then if you are still interested, make an appointment to meet me in person.

Celestial Realm, R. Carlos Nakai
Be still and the earth will speak to you.
Navaho Proverb
The Services

The people who find me and work with me successfully are depressed, anxious, fearful, overly-stressed, grieving, lonely, having relationship or work issues, homesick, angry, confused, not sleeping, struggling with addictions, having issues with their children, don't know who they are or what they want in their lives.
In the following pages in this section I describe the types of services that I offer to help people with these issues.
My office in Plainpalais, Geneva, Switzerland
Information about my fees for services and confidentiality can be found in my Professional Services Agreement here

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.
Carl Rogers
Dubuque, George Winston
Fantasia in D Minor, Mozart
On these pages, you will find resources for working with yourself that I often recommend to my clients to help them start the change process. The process of change can take time; it can be scary and difficult; it can take many turns; it can take you into unchartered territory; and change can be exciting! Change is evidence that you are moving forward, growing and evolving. Be gentle and kind with yourself and enjoy the resources here.

But I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything.
Alan Watts
Mozart, Fantasia in D Minor
David Schiesher, MSW
Psychological Counselling
Couples Therapy
c/o Cabinet HD3
Avenue Henri-Dunant 3
1205 Geneva, Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 320 26 32 Office
+41 (0) 79 811 36 42 Mobile
Contact Me

Map and Directions
By tram or bus: My office is a short walk from the bus and tram stops of the Rond Point and Plainpalais. Trams 1, 12 , 15 and 18 stop nearby.
By car: Drive to the Plainpalais neighborhood and park underground at the Plaine de Plainpalais parking garage. Exit the parking garage at the door marked with a large yellow and black sign saying Rond Point.
Directions: My office is located on the second floor of Avenue Henri-Dunant 3. There is no elevator in this building. The entrance door is facing the large open market area and is situated between Boulangerie L'Epi Doré and Maki Poké Asian restaurant.
Use the intercom on the right to open the door. Scroll down the list to find the name Schiesher, then press the call button. When you hear the voice say "Vous pouvez entrer," push the door open. Our office is on the 2nd floor. Please enter without ringing the bell. I will usually meet you there. If not, please find the waiting room to your right.

It is not the mountains we
conquer, but ourselves.
Sir Edmund Hillary
Beyond Life, Damanhur Collection